Fix-4-Nails 30ml


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Those who are suffering from first-time or recurring loose nails and nails damaged due to a nail fungus infection know how embarrassing and irritating it can be. People suffering from these nail conditions sometimes go to desperate measures to try and get rid of them.

Our product, Fix-4-Nails®, offers the perfect solution and the best toenail fungus treatment! What differentiates this nail fungus treatment from others on the market, is that it targets the problem directly under the nail, ensuring that the under-nail conditions are favorable for the re-growth of healthy and beautiful-looking nails.

Fix-4-Nails® is affordable and easy to use. Clients simply have to apply it in the morning and evening as directed. A drop of our toenail fungus medication is administered under the detached nail onto the nail bed. The product is suited for use on both toe- and fingernails and clients can expect to see visible changes to their nails within 3-4 weeks of starting the treatment.

Directions for use:

  1. For optimum results one drop of Fix-4-Nails® must be applied under the nail every morning and evening.
  2. Do not try to remove the now soft keratin from under the treated nail. This forces the nail plate away from the nail bed restricting the growth process.
  3. For the correct use of the dropper bottle see the photos. Touch the outer rim of the plastic top with the nail, as indicated. Tilt the bottle carefully to allow a drop of fluid to flow under the nail. Please note, the fluid runs out through two small holes, one on each side of the little nozzle in the middle of the dropper. The nozzle only allows air to enter the bottle and is not intended to be used as a dropper.
  4. The speed at which the nail grows also influences the recovery rate.