Moyra One Stroke Brush No 02


Moyra One Stroke Brush

Moyra One Stroke Brush

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Caring for your Moyra One Stroke Brush is essential to maintain its quality and ensure optimal performance. Here’s how to care for it:

  1. Clean after each use: After each use, gently clean the brush with a nail polish remover or brush cleaner to remove any residual nail polish. Wipe the bristles with a lint-free cloth to ensure all polish is removed.
  2. Reshape the bristles: After cleaning, reshape the bristles of the brush to their original form. Gently use your fingers to reform the tip and remove any excess polish.
  3. Store properly: Store your Moyra One Stroke Brush upright in a clean and dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat. Avoid storing it in a way that could bend or deform the bristles.
  4. Protect the brush tip: To prevent damage to the delicate brush tip, always cap it when not in use. Many Moyra brushes come with protective caps or cases for this purpose.
  5. Avoid excessive pressure: When using the brush, avoid applying excessive pressure, especially when working with delicate designs or fine lines. Gentle, controlled movements will help prolong the life of the brush.
  6. Replace when necessary: Despite proper care, brushes will eventually wear out over time. If you notice fraying or splaying of the bristles, it may be time to replace your Moyra One Stroke Brush.

By following these care tips, you can ensure that your Moyra One Stroke Brush remains in excellent condition and continues to deliver precise and beautiful nail art designs.