Moyra Stamper No 08 Ice Clear


Moyra Ice Clear Stamper: Precision and Beauty in Nail Stamping!

Achieve precise stamping and create stunning symmetrical motifs with ease using Moyra Ice Clear Stamper. Its transparent design allows for perfect pattern placement, as you can see through the handle to determine the exact position. With crystal-clear clarity, it leaves no shadows on the printing surface. Elevate your nail art game with Moyra Ice Clear Stamper and unlock the possibilities of flawless and beautiful multi-layer patterning. Experience the magic today!

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Moyra Stamper

Perfect positioning, nice symmetrical designs, double stamping all very easy with Moyra clear Stampers. The water clear heads and the specially developed see-through handles ensure that you have a clear view of where to place the design. These stamper heads are made of a unique, water clear silicone, which is very sensitive and fragile. Pressure and unnecessary impacts may cause the silicone head to crack, its edges to chip off, so it is recommended to keep the heads in their handles while cleaning and putting the caps back on after use, thus avoiding any damage.

Cleaning with acetone or even acetone free nail polish removers should be avoid, as they may blur the head with time. Instead use a Moyra Wonder wheel or Moyra Stamper head cleaner for cleaning.

Warning acetone and acetone free nail polish removers may matte the transparent plastic handle of clear stampers, so make sure to keep them away from such materials. We suggest cleaning the handles with warm soapy water or alcohol